Google partnership, new commissions, and upcoming roadmap

that’s mean i already drop admob components in my project so these components will not removing in the future and i will able to work with admob in my app? (if kodular removed admob ad components Even after that?)

if I’m right, then when admob update their ads sdk then these admob components will working fine?

As said, deprecation will come in two phases. First, components will be hidden from the platform, meaning new adopters will only have the option to use Google Ad Manager. During this time, if you have already used Admob in any other app, you can still use it, and we will give security updates so they keep running.
But in a few months, we will also ask you to migrate to Google Ad Manager, so your apps will need to switch to the new components, as new builds with legacy Admob components will be blocked.

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thanks for replying,when i complete admob 100$ then i will switch google ad manager!

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When will kodular launch Android 12 because google have given a deadline of August for new apps and old app updates

We’re now pushing an update, and within one month Target SDK for Android 12 will arrive.


Thank you so much i was hoping for this reply :heart:
Love you kodular

will admob ads not work in my application which is currently on play store? I will update app… :frowning:

I bought your subscription recently. But I cannot monetize my app through kodular. Everytime I go to my kodular section and click on the sign up section nothing happens. Please solve this problem as soon as possible

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is it possible to use Ad Manager obtained from Kodular to monetize my Website or blog?

if yes how long will it take to get approved and show ads

and which countries can I target to get the best eCPM and etc

is there any restriction of page views like how does?

Update the sdk for Facebook ads to 6.14.0