Happy New Year 2023, and Kodular Premium discounts!

Hi! :wave:

We wish you all a very Happy New Year, and hope that 2023 brings you plenty of time to work on your app projects!
We would like to share with you some Kodular Premium discount codes (eligible for both new and existing customers), as a (bit delayed) Christmas gift:

  • NYE2023M: valid through 2023-01-02T11:00:00Z2023-01-08T22:59:00Z, provides a $2 off discount on monthly plan for 3 months.
  • NYE2023Y: valid through 2023-01-02T11:00:00Z2023-01-31T22:59:00Z, provides a 20% off discount on yearly plan for 1 year.

For existing customers on monthly plan, you may have to cancel your existing subscription before creating a new one with the discount.

Happy New Year! :kodular:
@Kodular Staff


Kodular Should need to fix ads manager fill rate

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Thank you kodular! :heart:

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Ads manager is not working properly not opening only loading on clicking.


Yes, AdsManager need to be fixed. My revenue has droped drastically to $0 each day.


What about the unfixed bugs ??

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Happy New Year 2023

Pls Update Facebook Audiance Network SDK & All Other Ads Sdk


more complaints than thanks, better not even show your face, I think many would not even take it at %50. By the way, several others who are still hostages of your measures continue to wait for your false promises, increase in extensions and PayPal integration.


hey kodular staff fix the Admanager issue.

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really surprised to see a response from the staff member. really thought everyone just left things as it is and not address the issues, wait until the paid member run out of there subscription and then call it quits.

shocked to see that you came with coupon codes to snare more ppl in to this trap, highly unprofessional downright d i r t y. this is turning out to be a money grabbing scam

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there is no option to cancell subscrption, mistakly removed card information now how to cancell the subscrption

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@Diego Is this also valid for customers on yearly plan??? We have to cancel firstly and make a new plan to apply the discount??

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That’s no reason for spamming the community. Don’t do that again.

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