Hide keyboard when clicking on another part of the window

I would like to know how I can hide the keyboard when the user clicks on another part of the screen, I was thinking that I could hide it when he touched an element on the screen, but I have many components and it would be somewhat tedious. Is there an easier way?

Maybe if I put the full clicked option it could work, but I also have an event for each component when clicking and if I enable this full clicked option that logic will vanish.

If u click any other component Use hide keyboard…

Well this reduced the blocks, is this the only solution or is there a single block that tells me any component? and that obviously includes all types of components.

I would like to make a condition that tells me that if the keyboard is visible it will hide it.

But I don’t know what you would recommend if I do the above condition or just put the keyboard hide block?

Then use this hide keyboard under in which component was clicked.
Tell me what are the other component u have?

I already used the blocks of any button, any card, any arrangement, but now I would like to make a condition that tells me that if the keyboard is visible I hide it or do you recommend me to only put that when clicking it even if it is hidden?

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