Hello everyone!
This is my first and easy guide for beginners on coding and Kodular
The package name is a unique name to identify a specific app. Generally, the package name of an app is in the format domain. company. application, but it’s completely up to the app’s developer to choose the name.
What is the default?
==With the new update Kodular 1.4D.0, each part of the package name is restricted to 10 characters. If you use more, you can omit the error and compile your app too.==
How to change the app’s package name?
It’s to easy. Go to your app properities, on your Screen 1
Go to Advanced Properities and type your new PACKAGE NAME. For example; the Whatsapp package name is com.whatsapp and the YouTube Package Name is com.google.android.youtube
I always structure my package name like this: kim.cedric.appnamehere
By the way, I own the domain cedric.kim. It’s best that you own the domain that you put in reversed before the app name. Don’t go around putting kim.cedric in your app names.
Anyways, domain name reversed, optional category, app name. That’s what a package name should usually look like.
I would be mildly upset. Also, the Play Store doesn’t necessarily allow developers to use other people’s domains in their package names without their consent. If they find out, a few bad things would happen, to say the least.
Also mention that when user kept it empty, then Kodular will assign a default package name which is based on your email id which is used for login to your Kodular creator account.
Do you mean you want to change an app package, so that it would be updated without uninstalling and reinstalling the app? As far as I know, if you change the app’s package name, so it would be a different app, and will not update the same app which is having a different package existant, with a different package name. If the app is on the play store, so you will not be able to update it.
However, if you mean to change an app’s package name programmatically ( from the app’s blocks ), so that’s not possible.
Hello, I have uploaded the “Aia” project, but the package name change section of the application does not appear. There is no place marked above. Where can I change the package name? Please help me