How to make dynamic joke app

i want to make dynamic joke app.
i want my user can read every day new joke…

Post them in a Firebase database.

Title: {date} Value: {Title if you want to add one}{rare symbol}{Your joke}
So your app will extract a list of all jokes and will display the date and the title in a list viewer.
Then, when the user clicks one of the items, the full joke will appear.
The {rare symbol} is used to separate the title of the full joke (should be a @, %, ^ or any other symbol you know that you’re not going to use). The title can also be used for jokes that have a previous question before the funny answer, so when the user clicks it, he gets the answer.

but i want joke will change everyday…
i mean i don’t want to edit my apk.
let me explain you…
when some one open main page there will be one joke, when he will open again the joke should be change randomly.

Oh, so the jokes will be programmed by you before publishing them?
In this case, make a list with all the jokes, and then, when your app initializes, choose a Random number between 1 and the last joke (for example, 20), and select the list item that has the same index than the chosen random number.

It should look like this:

  • When Screen 1 initialize:
  • set (component) to: select list item
  •  list: {the name of your list}
  •  index: select random number between [1] and [total jokes number]
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Changed post category as it was not related to the HowTo gallery as this is a question. :slight_smile:

Use spreadsheet to make the joke change every day.
Make the random block for rule 1,2 etc…

but where is spread sheet option in makeroid?

I think it’s not available.

any alternate option ?

…maybe, an extension?

@ExtensionDevelopers do you guys have an extension for this?

Why don’t you use a random item from a list?

I think this is the right solution, you don’t need to change the apk later, when the screen initialize get the date with a clock component and later get the joke with the GetValue method from Firebase.

I used to make questions in the HowTo category. I think isn’t explicit enough (For example, the post title contains “How to make…”).
“Discuss” seems that was created to make a kind of debate.
Maybe adding a “Question” or “Help” category (located on the first place of the categories list, so it’s more probable they read it and use it) could help avoiding bad-categorized posts.
I don’t know if it’s you who is in charge of the community (otherwise, this is also addressed to community leaders (@Diego, @Mika, @pavi2410, etc)),.


Maybe this can help you.

@hitesh i think you used spread sheet.
but i makeroid there is no spreadsheet.
still i am confuse.
if there is any extension please suggest me

i used firebase :slight_smile:

Please note that people have different time zones! Therefore when you change the joke at morning for you and its night for them! They may not see it.


Or you can ask on first launch when the user wants to get the update…

Which you would have to use Firebase for right?

You make a list of jokes, then or picks a random item, you can add jokes with admin app without bugs