From last 2 months, I have been trying to achieve it and finally I got it right.
It is very useful if you have huge data in your list.
Well, I am making this guide because I feel many Koders are still stuck in between the process of achieving it.
Extensions and components I used:
i) Dynamic Components by @yusufcihan
ii) Vertical Scroll Handler by ColinTree
iii) Clock component(built in)
How to do it:
i) Initialize the blocks:
You have to initialize five variables, i.e. first_load (it will be the number of items you want to load when the screen will initialize for the first time), next_load(it will be the number of items you want to load after the clock triggers), maximum_load(it will be the total number of items available in the list), new_list(we will put all the items which will load after clock triggers), main_list(it will contain all the items which we want to load).
ii) After the airtable spreadsheet will get all items in the column, we will set global maximum to length of main list and then we will index all the items in the list. You will understand it with the help of blocks below.
iii) As we are using Vertical Scroll Handler, we will use “When VerticalScrollHandler1.ReachBottom” block to inform the app that we have reached the bottom of the layout so that app will trigger the clock component.
iv) After the clock triggers, we will add the logic which will check if the list has come to an end or not. If the list did not come to and end yet, we will add items to the list else we will stop it.
I am attaching an AIA file so that you can understand and play with blocks.
test (2).aia (88.9 KB)
Hope you understood it.
Thank you.