I want an extension named HOSTS i have searched everywhere but i am unable to find it please anyone share it please
You can see all this block in Device Utility Component
All these are not available in Device Utility Component
from the extensions directory App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps
Hosts Extension by MeteorCoder to get some device specific information (replaced by Lite Extension, see below)
Lite Extension by MeteorCoder, an extension which offers around 176 blocks without any documentation…
(Indian boy)
@Taifun I Have Checked Your Link. Your Link Is Broken
Edit : When I Want Any Extension I Go To Your Site Thanks For PuraVidaApps
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I cannot find the extension in the link
you might want to ask @hammerhai aka MeteorCoder to check the download link
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My extension Hosts has ever since been taken down as of the end of April.
(Rizu Barury)
I didn’t knew that, I’m using hosts even now
, I will switch now.