One Screen 1 when Authentication is sucessful the url is saved in tinydb and when home screen initialize I set Image picture to Url But the image is is not Loading.
Please help me to solve it.
Blocks :
Screen 1 Blocks :
Home screen : This is on Screen Initialize Blocks
Note :
Using or not using this block does not affect the O/P
I would like to tell you, when user login with google using firebase authentication, then the “get profile picture” value is not a image, actually it is url of the user image.
Btw after authentication is successful it does not directly goes to another screen, when a row is created in airtable after authentication Sucessful then another screen is opened.
So I stored the value in variable and then used it as a start value to pass vale to another screen.
Tried this one then also showing same error.
When I was storing value in tindydb atleast it was showing the error.
Do you have any existing projects which uses firebase authentication.