Is there a way to show specific segments of a word or an excel file in a Label like a line or a cell?

basically I am building a drug information app and it would be much easier for me if I can write every thing in a word document as follows:
Drug 1name
drug1 info
drug2 name
drug 2 info

and then have the app show line 1 (drug name) in a Label, then line 2(Drug1 info) in Label 2, then as the user clicks next label 1 shows (n=n+2line) meaning shows the 3rd line where Drug 2 name is and label 2 shows drug2 info

Send sample pictures of your word document…

And on clicking next do you want to create new label or want to update label1 and label2?

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what about storing your data in a Google Spreadsheet and read the data from there?
there are a lot of ressources available for this…


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I haven’t worked on the file yet. but this is an example I made now to illustrate my point. Notice i made it into a tablet because I noticed that some drugs may require more than 1 line (at first I thought I can work around that by writing in 1px font but if there is a way to specifically pick data on C1 C2 and show them one by one as the user clicks next that would be a great help and a time saver.
I am just trying to help my classmate memories the different drug names.

for your second question I would like to update the label text into the new text

that Look more advanced that I can currently handle. I will read the links your provided thoroughly and then write back to you.
Just a question will I be able to have the app work offline if I did this?

your app then will need an option to download the data and store it locally, this could be TinyDB or SQlite

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Just a legal reminder, that google .perhaps requests a health education proof document or something

I got that. I am preparing for NAPLEX exam and I want to build an app to help me and my fellow colleagues.
can you offer any guidance on how to go about doing this in an efficient way. I mean I can write each label text one by one, but the would take ages. certainly there is a way to write everything in a spreadsheet and have the app call on the right cell or line as requested.

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as a start you might want to export your spreadsheet into a file in csv format and import that file into the assets of your app

then read the file using the file component and convert the data into a list of lists

you will need 2 labels and a button “Next”
after clicking the button, the next row (which is a sublist) from the table (i.e. the list of lists) will be read and the first item of the sublist will be displayed in label1 and the second item in label 2

A very good way to learn App Inventor or Kodular is to read the free Inventor’s Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps … the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book ‘teaches’ users how to program with AI2 blocks.
There is a free programming course here Course In A Box and the aia files for the projects in the book are here: App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps
How to do a lot of basic things with App Inventor are described here: How do you...? .

Also do the tutorials Tutorials for MIT App Inventor to learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the Top 5 Tips: How to learn App Inventor


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