Kodular: My Ads Approval is taking so Long to get Approve, Somebody Help me?

Somebody Help Me? My App is Taking so Long the app Submitted for review 3 month Ago. Looking Back to my Explanation on What does my Apps Contains, I Explain it properly and I use the English Language (International Language) I’ve Searched if Anyone Know How long does an Ads Approval Gets Approve, and They said 2-10 working Days. Please Help Me. Thank You! Have a Great Day!

What is the name of your app?

Your Chat App

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I sent my application for review 1 month ago, I want this stage to be accelerated. What can I do? I also asked for permission to show my app on the Samsung Galaxy Store and it was approved, then I asked for permission from there to add ads with google admob and it approved, but Kodular.io was not approved after 1 month. I want support.


App Store/Download link:

AIA file (Optional)

It can take a few months for an app to be reviewed, and sometimes even then it is not approved.

It seems like you are using the people of Gambia to try and get the app approved quickly. I’m not convinced you really care about them and are just using them as an excuse so you can start earning money.

If you really care about Gambian people you can always develop an app without ads and then worry about monetising it later on.

Plaese any moderatorcan you reject my app I think it is not compatible with rules. app id - 5498730570579968

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Don’t worry it will be rejected if you have made an app that is against Kodular’s policies. But like everyone else you might have to wait a few months or more.

My app is submitted for review 2 months and one week ago
still not reviewd
app id : #5268779028185088

Can someone help?

Submitted for review 1 month, 1 week ago

I really need help with it!

If You uncover it, please tell me.
I am waiting more than 1 month until now.

My app has content developed over years and years and through research and testing etc.
Google play itself approved my app, but here there is no response for over 1 month.
I wanted to use the new ad templates instead of the old AdMob, but so far nothing.
Are the apps really being checked?
It’s strange to see someone saying that in 2 days they had their app approved, and others waiting more than 1 month (including me).

I made a fitness app and attendance app is it a garbage

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