Lags in app kodular

Hi guys, when the application has Bottom Navigation on all screens, the application lags, what to do help.

Can Provide Apk And Aia File

  1. Try to Use Less Extensions This Also Lags or Delete High Memory Extensionand Use Alternative Less Mb Extensions

  2. Use Less Assets Use Image Url Instead Of PNG or JPEG Image May take Time to Load Depending on Wifi if not possible use JPEG instead of PNG

Note both JPEG and JPG are same

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yes please do what @Enderman said

Guys, I’m creating a program but moving from one screen to another screen, this action happens very slowly, why is this so

May be u are storing large data through start value

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Well, yes, a lot, but if you reduce it, it will not be the one I wanted, please help

U have to reduce the blocks otherwise it will lag

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And if you use a producer, will it help?

producer mean??
Post ur block so we can help u

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Is this related to this topic?

If yes double posting is not allowed, you could get suspended from the community.

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It depends entirely on your design, component used etc…

Lately I’ve seen users complaining about this and that but looking at theirs project make your head explode…

To extensive copy of a screen or components may cause issues…

Use and screenshot summary report


Since you liked my post you agree it is related. Don’t do that again please.


What have you done with your Screen1

Well this is the initial screen, this is the welcome window

I meant is it there but we can’t see it…

Also why I’m wondering is that in your report one field is missing…

like this


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Form is not there

Not sure why Form isn’t showing however, are you working on mobile with Kodular, if so it might be it, other than that I’m clueless Sorry!!!