Landscape App Rotation Problem

Then, sorry I can not solve this

No Problem :pray:

This seems to be the same app:

Do you have two accounts with Kodular?

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No, actually just buy the aia file from him to recreate the app from myself

I made a copy of Screen2 -> Screen3 (for testing purposes):

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How did you do that ?

Did you use some extra blocks or your auto rotation is On, on your mobile phone ?

After about a year of effort on this subject, I have reached the following conclusions:
This is not a problem.
The best way to overcome this issue is to make the screen opening black, create a 700 millisecond clock sensor and when the screen is turned on; Installing all the components that need to be installed, including the language pack, to the screen opening, enabling visible components to appear on the screen at the end of 700 milliseconds. If the screen width and height will be used in the application, it should be referred to as in the picture.!

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Wow great, let me try. Have some questions-

  1. Where do i get this languagepack and its neccessary to use it ?
  2. Should i put clock timer always fire and timer enabled and timer intervel on 700 in designer mode
  3. I had to put all elements of my screen in verticalarrangement right ? ( horizontal alignment will not work for me)


IMG-20210524-WA0003 IMG-20210524-WA0004

I tried these blocks but still not working. I didn’t used the language pack because i didn’t found that one. Can you tell me where will i get that and my blocks are correct ?

While opening the new screen; Make sure everything on the page to be opened is invisible. All features to be loaded should be loaded while the screen is loading, and the clock sensor should be run at the bottom of the block while the screen is loading, and all the elements that should be open should be opened with the clock block. The language pack mentioned here was just a simple example. Of course not essential. To make the screen look stylish and to prevent the screen from automatically switching horizontally and vertically; Remember to make the screen color black at first startup. I could not find any other solution for this issue. The reason why the vertical and horizontal values ​​of the screen are defined on the clock sensor with the variables; if the width and height values ​​of the screen; If you will use it frequently in practice; This is because you need to get these values ​​after the screen gestures have been snapped. If you still can’t solve the problem; in your application; just share the file of the section where you have problems here.

Most of the time, you don’t need to open a new page. What I have written is valid for the first opening of the application and screen changes. At the same time, those who want only horizontal or vertical use in their applications experience these problems. I also realized that; this issue is a starting issue for those who are starting to program with blocks.

When this subject is overcome, a new level of programming is passed.

Please excuse me for translation english.

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Still not working, even after i add all my elements in Horizontal Arrangement - @Profi_Game
I made a test aia of 3 screen -
Screen 1 - Splash Screen that will Forward to screen 2
Screen 2 - Test Screen
Screen 3 - Test Screen
TestVMI.aia (1.8 MB)
Please check and do whatever you like to make it work.

Simplest solution (where everything can stay as it is):
The rotation problem only occurs if Auto Rotate is disabled while the device is in portrait mode. If Auto Rotate has been disabled in landscape mode, the problem does not arise, also not if Auto Rotate is enabled.

So when starting the app, ask the user on Screen1 (e.g. via Notifier) to swipe down from the top edge of the screen and either enable Auto Rotate or (if Auto Rotate should remain disabled) enable Auto Rotate and then disable it again (in Landscape mode in which your app already is).

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But its so irritating and frustrating for user to ask him everytime he open the app to turn on or turn on/off auto rotation. Is there any blocks from which when screen 1 initialize automatically auto rotation feature enabled in the user cellphone ?

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I hope it has been as you wish. I usually use 700 milliseconds in my applications, but you can also use 800 milliseconds.TestVMTV2.aia (1.9 MB)

I tried with your solution on my complete app on every screen, its good but not complete satisfactory, its slow see the result -

May be bcoz of many blocks the process become slow.


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Does the Test.aia file I sent work for you?

I don’t want to upset you, but from the blocks you sent; I concluded that you don’t understand what I wrote.

Please examine the test file I sent you in detail; I think this is the exact solution to this issue.

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It works but the way like i send you the video, check that out @Profi_Game

I just use the same blocks in my orginal App as you done in the test app.

And yeahh the conclusion i found that no better solution then i will get for this problem. Please check the video


I think you should try this extension. :point_down:t2:

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