My file can't be opened , please help

i downloaded the extension and then deleted it and the file won’t open

Open your project as zip file using for example 7zip, go to folder assets/external_comps and remove the corresponding subdirectory of the extension


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thankyou , let me try :slight_smile:

i can’t see the file

Please check this one.

that is a taifun setting aix, need delete?

i find this, in Screen1. bky, how to delete

you deleted extension but its a block in that screen of taifunMath extension…

it fix if you import .aia then remove this block then again export .aia

i can’t open it now because of taifun match

because taifun math still inside, i can’t import file and open

this is screen1.bky :

計時器10 總貸款額標籤 Text TaifunMath1 global 總貸 global 總貸2

this is screen1.scm file :


taifun math still inside

try to import that that taifunmathtools extension again in project manualy…
open .aia in 7zip or winrar you found external components folder :file_folder: then open extension with same winrar and then drag that folder to external components :file_folder:
then check kodular accepts or not

thank you very much, Annas Chandhary, i import aix to 7 zip again, now i can open it :pray: :pray:

its not me​:grin::grin:
you can mention member by @

but after i opended the file, he couldn’t modify the color :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

to fix this
again open project with winrar
you found youngAndroidProject:file_folder: folder and a project.properfiles :page_facing_up: in it then open that file with text editor and remove this whole line and save file…again import to kodular and booom :bomb: you can change colour from designer side

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thank god, everything is fine now, thank you for your patient guidance :100: :100:

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