Hello friends,
I am building an extension (now Beta) to obtain the longitude and latitude of a location, using the data obtained from NMEA.
I have built two applications, one using the Kodular LocationSensor component
and another using my extension to get the NMEA data ($GNGGA and $GPGGA)
Applications are for drawing a route on Google maps.
Can you use the two applications and check which of the two you get two more exact location data?
1.- App with Kodular LocationSensor and Google Map.
p185D_nmea_Map_GoogleLS.aia (13.6 KB)
p185D_nmea_Map_GoogleLS.apk (5.4 MB)
2.- App with NMEA Extension and Google Map.
(Works: Android 5.1, Android 9)
(Doesn’t work: Android 7)
p185D_nmea_Map_Google.aia (15.5 KB)
p185D_nmea_Map_Google.apk (5.4 MB)
known errors: StopLocation does not work properly.