Not able to update the value of Text string (After New update)

Could you also post a small as possible aia with this behaviour.

There was no change done…

I see that behaviour to. I have notified the devs.

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Yeah… In text string box only the very first input value is saved. after you change it to whatever it does not updates.

Peek 2020-05-16 09-29
The problem occurs when the blocks are connected.


Yes. So till the bug is solved we have to de-attach text string and change the value and attach it again to the block.

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Just de-attach, change the value and re-attach to block… DONE. Its working for me.

save the ay and then import.
for me solved

im also having the same issue . and the solution marked didnt worked for me.

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Devs are working on it. Be patient.


When it will be solved

Just Wait for announcement

i have a solution of this problem
yesterday it was working fine but today i was facing this issue.
but now i found a way to avoid this issue temporarily.

Follow These Steps:
1: Open Your Project and go to block part
2: left-click on the block then right-click
3: continue your work
4: After doing this for 5-8 minutes your problem will resolved

Now my problem is gone.
I’m using Microsoft Edge

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Overkill process, easiest way in post 10


As You Wish But my Problem Is Solved :smirk:


I have this problem but this problem only occurs in 1 project

For me, it’s on every project but only from time to time. @rizu: try to make a Checkpoint or the project. Report what happens. Am interested. :thinking:

Same result