Open the external browser in a new screen

I want that when opening a new window from the web view, it opens on a new screen with the web view. Please, Can someone help me? Thank you!

why dont you use external browser option in web view

I don’t know if they understand me. I want that when opening a new window in the web view, it will be seen on another screen of the app. Can be done?

No, it doesn’t make sense what you want to do either.

Why don’t you try this?

What I want is when I open a link in the web viewer of the screen1, it opens in the screen2 of the application.
I don’t write English, I hope you understand what I mean.

when any link is clicked on screen1 just use onClick block to open new screen with start value.

start value = the link you want to open in screen2

now on screen2 use get start value to get the links.

@maxplay_aplicacion i hope you understand now

@techcvr I don’t understand very well, you can be kind to help me with an example of blocking. Thank you!

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