Open VPN Extension : Connect with VPN servers like Turbo VPN, UFO VPN

Open VPN Extension

Open VPN extension, It can connect with VPN (Virtual private network) servers using .ovpn file
Download .ovpn files from these sites:

VPN Gate - Public Free VPN Servers

GitHub Zoult /.ovpn

Ip speed info free open vpn files

You can find more sites on Google

blocks (40)


component_method (15)

StartVpn: This block will connect with VPN servers
tittle = The given text will display as tittle in notification
vpnFile = Full .ovpn vpn file name
county = country name of .ovpn file
username = user name of .ovpn file
password = password of .ovpn file

component_method (16)

PrepareVpn: Connection request dialog will pop up, This dialog will appear once and block return false if Connection request permission is denied otherwise it always return true

component_method (17)

StopVpn: This will stop the VPN

component_method (18)

VpnServiceStatus: This block will return the current status of VPN

component_method (19)

GetOsArch: This block will return Arch of the device
The library supports these arch:
kindly search on google for more info

component_event (14)

OnError: This block will trigger if any error occurs

component_event (16)

OnPermissionGranted : This block will trigger if Connection request permission is accepted by user

component_event (17)

OnPermissionDenied : This block will trigger if Connection request permission is rejected by user

component_method (24)

ServicePermission : This block will ask for Connection request permission

component_method (26)

IsVPNPrepared : I have renamed the PrepareVpn block to IsVPNPrepared and now this block will not ask for permission. You have to use ServicePermission block

component_method (25)

LibraryErrorLogger : This block can logs the error from AAR Library and Native library.
It useful for debugging, You can ignore the warnings!!

Demo Blocks

Demo Video

Only you need to add libs and assets folder to APK/AAB and save the APK/AAB.

How to add Open VPN native library to APK/AAB

Step 1 )

I have given a which contains a libs and assets folder inside, Extract all files from the zip

Step 2 )

Now you need APK editor to add a library

For pc users : Download APK editor studio

Open Apk editor studio > Open apk > Open contents > Now paste the libs and assets folder

Save the APK file

Sign APK/AAB by @bodymindpower
How to build a big app → APK max. 100 MB or → AAB 150 MB

For android users : Download MT Manager APK Or you can use any APK editor

Click on APK > Then a pop-up menu will display > Click on view button (It will show contents of APK/AAB ) > Now paste the libs and assets folder

Save the APK/AAB file

Sign the APK/AAB

Hold the APK/AAB file in MT manager then pop-up menu will display
Press on sign file and import key and place the sign
How to add asset and sign aab file

The extension contains these permissions :

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />

Extension is working fine in Android 12-64bit, Android 11-64bit, Android 10-64bit, Android 7-32bit (emulator)


Open VPN extension is paid because it was really hard to load native library and find a way to inject AAR library to APK file because currently there is no support for AAR library in extension. Making an Injector took more time than I expect.

Native library size: 7 MB

AAR Injector size: 2 MB : You just need to upload injector file in assets

Extension will not work in companion

Before buying the extension just get to know, I’m not gonna edit the APK for you, everything has mentioned above pls read first.

Extension updates :

Added some new blocks

Open VPN Extension 1.2

Open VPN Extension : Connect with VPN servers like Turbo VPN, UFO VPN - #18 by Shreyaa

Price: $15

If you want to purchase the extension with UPI then please PM me for the payment details.


unbelievable but Amazing


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Have you read the full topic?

Did you means phone setting ? Creating vpn profile in settings and connect with vpn servers manually is different. Extension can connect with vpn servers within your app programmatically.

You cannot say " extension is unnecessary" without knowing the difference.

Extension work same as other VPN apps works in play store.

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Perhaps that’s why most extension devs looked for aar and native library support :frowning: that didnt come yet

Ref :

Epic work from your side btw… :+1:


Yeah :pensive:

I guess they will never

Thank you :heart: :blush:


Another epic extension, keep coding :heart_eyes:

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Thank you :relaxed: @mahmoud_hooda


Wow, really amazing :ok_hand:


thank you!


Great work @Shreyaa :+1::clap::clap:


Thank you​:blush: @oseamiya

Wow thanks women…I am waiting for this from many of the months​:relieved::relieved:


Edit : thanks women or _madam :slightly_smiling_face::joy:

Don’t go on my words

Go on my emotions


Thank you very much for creating this wonderful extension :clap:. A couple of people might be contemplainting if the extension works well or not, believe me this extension works superb and i want you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: to give it a try. As i always love to develope applicationns out of useful extension. Am going to release my VPN app very soon.


Open VPN Extension 1.2

Now you can use the VPN file from Internal storage or app assets

New blocks

component_event (16)

OnPermissionGranted : This block will trigger if Connection request permission is accepted by user

component_event (17)

OnPermissionDenied : This block will trigger if Connection request permission is rejected by user

component_method (24)

ServicePermission : This block will ask for Connection request permission

component_method (26)

IsVPNPrepared : I have renamed the PrepareVpn block to IsVPNPrepared and now this block will not ask for permission. You have to use ServicePermission block

component_method (25)

LibraryErrorLogger : This block can logs the error from AAR Library and Native library.
It useful for debugging, You can ignore the warnings!!

Demo blocks

Upcoming feature:
It allows user to connect with VPN servers without opening the app


Another great job, young girl!


Thank you @Rogerio_Rios

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