Phase • Animations made easy!

I’ve already planned quite a few cool things, but unfortunately, I hardly get any free time to work on them. Busy with studies. :confused:


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Great, I look forward to it.
And as I already pointed out in the AI2 forum:

This great extension opens up so many possibilities that many have not yet realized (probably not even Shreyash himself :wink:.
For example, I could now easily solve an old (complex) issue (regarding timer, canvas, and known synchronicity issues) for a meditation app. The extension works in my case throughout the use of the app, not just during a first initial animation.

This is by far more than a simple extension of fade-in/out animation effects (similar to the effects that PowerPoint offers, as some say and with which one should rather be sparing).

Thanks a lot, again!


By cool things I actually meant some other extensions. :sweat_smile:
Sorry, but currently I don’t have any plans of updating Phase anytime soon. But if you want me to add something specific, feel free to suggest. If possible, it’d be surely added.


Yes, I thought so but I’m curious about every new extension from you.


A great extension. If it is used deliberately and carefully, a great value of an app.

Thank you very much.


Thank you so much. I have been looking for something like this for a while. This will let me add those little touches to the app I’m developing for my employer to take this from a decent little app to something that truly feels professionally made. I do have one question. I was trying to animate the view pager component to fade in and there is a split second where it shows on screen before the animation starts. I tried starting it with visibility as false and making it visible on animation start and it doesn’t seem to want to set the visibility.


Will you please do me a favor and send me a demo app demonstrating this? :slight_smile:


I’ll try to do that this weekend. I’m currently just animating the first arrangement for the view pager and then setting the rest of the arrangements visible when the animation ends and that’s accomplishing most of what I wanted (The tabs don’t slide down like I had wanted, but it’s not a biggie).


So I found a workaround that does what I want. Place the View Pager inside another layout and animate that one.


One more question before I break something… How many animations can I run at once? Let’s say I’m dynamically generating a questionnaire and want to animate 30 + questions each to fade down. Am I going to run into issues?

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Can this extension be able to run multiple animation instances at once? I tried with my app but the existing animation will always get cancelled before playing the next animation

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Why you need 30 different instances? Use one label for the question, and change its text for the next question. Then you need to animate only that label.

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Because the whole form needs to be visible. I’m procedurally generating the form (now that I can create dynamic checkboxes and radio buttons) based on the list of questions so that it’s easier to reorder the form or change the questions.

I was just worried that the form will just pop in and wanted to fade it in. I may just make each section not visible and fade the whole thing in once the dynamic components have all been added.

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No, it should work without any issues, though I’m not sure about low-end devices.

Start the next animation when the current one ends. To do so, use the when Phase .AnimationEnds event block.

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I love it! Any chance you could add bounce out animations as well?

Nice to hear that. :smile:

I’ll see what I can do.

Can i use for image sprite component? cause no one make for image sprite animation

It doesn’t work with sprites, but if you can apply the animation to all the sprites at the same time, you can make the canvas have transparent background color, and animate the canvas component and it will look like the sprites are animated.

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it doesnt work on thunkable