Problem with Spreadsheet from AirTable

Hello guys, I have a problem with Spreadsheet.
Sometimes when I request a entire row from the sheet it returns disordered.
This is not acceptable because an app must be stable.
Do you know how to solve it?
Do you know alternatives to airtable? I need to upload to a data sheet and then my app divides them and dynamically creates card views for each item.

Best way is to use a web component and call airtable api to get the row.
It returns the row in a json format and returns each cell in form of keys and pairs.
I would post a block image to help you doing it.

Thank you very much, I’ll wait your image. God bless you

First go to the airtable website and open the table.
Go to the help button in top right and click the API Documentation in drop down.
You will find all necessary web url for API by just selecting ‘Retrieve a Record’
Now after you have got the response from web component use the following blocks to learn how to decode json using JSONTools Extension (Not the in-built kodular component)

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The Record ID has to be retrived by some other means

I installed JsonTools but I don’t know how to extract the field i want from the json.
this is the json that web.get return to me

{“records”:[{“id”:“rec8sTCDOOpBhoKca”,“fields”:{“Costo_orig”:“100€”,“Sconto”:“50%”,“Costo_scont”:“50€”,“Nome”:“Google Home Mini”,“Link”:“”},“createdTime”:“2019-09-11T13:26:24.000Z”},{“id”:“recH1mE66aPzx9pNi”,“fields”:{“Costo_orig”:“6€”,“Sconto”:“10%”,“Costo_scont”:“5€”,“Nome”:“Prodotto 5”,“Link”:“”},“createdTime”:“2019-09-11T17:10:53.000Z”},{“id”:“recTcTSmCC1tBqvW9”,“fields”:{“Costo_orig”:“5€”,“Sconto”:"0% ",“Costo_scont”:“5€”,“Nome”:“Prodotto 3”,“Link”:“”},“createdTime”:“2019-09-11T13:29:19.000Z”},{“id”:“recr5hg0v0Yg6tdym”,“fields”:{“Costo_orig”:“76€”,“Sconto”:“55%”,“Costo_scont”:“34€”,“Nome”:“Kingston SSD 240GB”,“Link”:""},“createdTime”:“2019-09-11T13:26:24.000Z”},{“id”:“recsKy2aEAT8TzWE9”,“fields”:{“Costo_orig”:“10€”,“Sconto”:“5%”,“Costo_scont”:“5€”,“Nome”:"Prodotto 4 ",“Link”:“”},“createdTime”:“2019-09-11T17:03:39.000Z”}]}

Now I want to create a dynamic card view for every element in the “Nome” column.
I have no idead how to do it
sorry i don’t know json

Learn from these blocks

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Not all blocks are required.
Just use the add items to list to add the values to a list