Screen error block is not catching "Error 1103: Unable to post or put the text" on slow internet connection



Screen error block is not catching “Error 1103: Unable to post or put the text” on slow internet connection properly. Sometime it works and sometimes it don’t.


The screen that initiated the post request if closed, then the present active screen is unable to catch the “Error 1103: Unable to post or put the text” that is initiated by the previous screen.

Main problem is that the error is showing with the server key for @taifun MySql script. Server key became public in this error.

Does anyone has any suggestion or solution regarding this issue?

there is no block to catch the error number


I didn’t understand your logic. I think Error Occurred block will catch all screen error, “ErrorNumber” will only filter those error

May be this method helps to hide

Try this method and see if it works

all error but you need to design rule to work…
if contains text error = 1103 piece get error
then (set rules here)

Tried already, it was not working, I am trying almost 2 weeks now and now I post it to get help from people like you

Problem 2 is my primary concern

did you try this… if error contains notifier to say alert something wrong…


Not Working


try like this if not… i am unable to see your error so suggesting like this…

never switch screens before

  1. having received the result in the Web.GotText event or
  2. the error in the Screen.ErrorOccurred event



I thought of two ideas,

  1. That is suggested by you @Taifun
  2. Set web.timeout to ‘0’ millisecond and then catch the error on “Screen.ErrorOccurred” event immedietly, and then close the screen.

But, I think, these are just the ideas to run the job, not the solutions.

And what about the solution of problem 1?

All occurring only on slow network connection. Should I Post request only on fast network connection like below?


sorry, but this is also not working. As Error block is not catching the error, hence no other block is working inside of it.

What happens exactly if it does not work, assuming you follow this logic


Maintaining the logic mentioned by you :
sometimes “Screen.ErrorOccurred” event catch the error and showing the alert notice set by me, and sometimes “Screen.ErrorOccurred” event unable to catch the error and showing “Error 1103: Unable to post or put the text”

All this happens only on slow internet connection.

but then this error is not coming from the Screen.ErrorOccurred event but from another event, is it? most probably the Web.GotText event?


Web.GotText event is clearly working on every situation as it is designed.
if “Error 1103: Unable to post or put the text” was coming from Web.GotText block, then the output should be a toast message of “Something went wrong”(block is given below) but the actual output is “Error 1103: Unable to post or put the text” and it is a system message I think.


Do one thing. In this block use three label to catch/print the response code, response content and response type

Which block gives you such error message you can use that variable = contains text error 2103 then you can use notifier alert to something wrong.

Problem is that, No event block is catching the error. Error is showing on a toast message by the system itself, No app block is able to catch the error.

Even from the screen error occurred block ??? Tried the same with that block too??