Something Strange is Happening in database

so i am creating app that shows history of bet from databse
so i created blocks like this

but in app it is like but my firebase data is history%20fb
how to fix please help

You are going to need to explain what the exact issue is. We cannot comb through your blocks without understanding the problem.

See firebase data in picture i want it in listview with value added in same box but when i tried and exported app amd opened in show like that as shown in screenshot

Try this one:

But team name is also nz no more so please give correct blocks to get the all names also

Just help me like this
There are tag and value both i want to display
Tag and value in same box
And i want to display all the tags and value in list view

There is a problem in your Firebase Data structure.
All value should be like value one means start from " \ " and end from \"
May be this can solve your problem.
You have to provide more blocks.
Something is missing from us.

oh that can be fixed but thats not creating problem i think my blocks are wrong

I found something strange:
If you will look deeply then you will find that value of other tags is joining with NZ and is making loop ( it is not currently ).If you have used more Firebase components then this list will add item every time joining previous item and keep going on.
So now you have to provide more blocks and may be aia if anyone wants to take a look at it.

can screen component work?
if yes then it is personal i will provide in pm