Installed ADB and Checked Installation = seems all good
Installed Python and Checked Installation = not sure
I typed python -V on ms-dos and it showed me the version (3.7.0)
I typed pip -V and it showed this message:
‘pip’ não é reconhecido como um comando interno ou externo, um programa operável ou um arquivo em lotes.
Which in portugues mean
‘pip’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
Even so I downloaded the files and requirements.txt and put them on C:\makeroidstarterscript
I tried to put them in others places too but nothing made the starter open.
PS: This step “3. Run this command on the same directory where the Makeroid” I couldn’t understand very well. It’s the directory where the adb is installed? Where the files are installed?
Oh thank you.
Do you know if there is a way to avoid the problem?
For example, I am on windows 7 64 bits. May be it wouldn’t happen on windows xp, windows 10 or windows 7 32 bits.
Successfull installed, thank you Diego!
But now I came back to “Check Installation” step and got this
The last message in my language means:
‘pip’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
same thing
I restarted the computer and still the same
I found this tip in Google:
Insert “C:\Users\Pablo Almeid\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts” in the Path of windows.
But I am not sure how to insert the text “C:\Users\Pablo Almeid\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts”
Is it just to paste that in the end of the line? Or put “;” and then paste this?
I put the files and requirements.txt in the same place where python is installed. It’s not a problem, right?
Anyway, i executed pip install -r requirements.txt and successful! Thank you very very much for your help, man! It’s probably very simple for u but it’s very meaningful for me!
Now I am embarassed to ask this but I didn’t understand this part ot the tutorial:
You can just double click on the file to open the starter.
Which file? I thought it should be but I tried that and nothing happened
And I am using windows but I realized that the page don’t show what to do in the last step for Linux and Mac users. At least on my computer it only shows a empty label when I click on Linux or mac button / link.