πŸ›’ Switch Pro Professional E-commerce Aia Kit


App is working properly, just because of migration of database server down showing inside the demo app

Download from aiastoreshop

Main App Features:

  • Video In Image Banner Slider

  • Upload Image in Rating along with Edit the Review

  • Extra selection option (Ex: If product is T-shirt then thier will option such as S,L,Xl,XXl)

  • 7 Days Return Facilities (After 7th Days technically speaking 8 day, return option will get automatically hide)

  • Cancel Order

  • Search Feature

  • Professional Splash screen

  • App welcome launcher (To grab users attention)

  • Intro screen

  • Google sign in

  • Email Login & Registration

  • Forget Password

  • Deal of the Day

  • Well organised Category

  • Two Image slider position, Top banner & Bottom Banner

  • Sort the product

  • Full size view of the product

  • Add to Cart

  • Add Quantity

  • Share the product with friends

  • COD & Any Payment Gateway can get integrated by us.

  • After Purchase user will get invoice via email.

  • Update Profile

  • Track your order

  • Add to favourite

  • User will get notification

  • Copy Order ID

  • Contact Us

  • Update the app

  • We can add your currency too, instead of Indian currency.

  • Data will get stored encrypted

  • Very Fast Loading app.

  • Timer in Deal Of The Day.

  • Remove All Favourites at a Time.

  • Make Cart Empty at one click.

  • Maintenance Screen

Admin App

  • Approve Or Reject the Delivery Boy Account
  • Block or Unblock to the Users
  • Track Total Completed & Pending Orders
  • Add or Update the Banners
  • Add or Edit the promo code.
  • Add or Edit the Product.
  • Add Deal of the day.
  • Access of all orders & Mark the order status. (Ex: Packed, Shipped Deliver)
  • Cancel Order
  • Update the app popup
  • Push Notification
  • Total Sell

Partner App:

  • Splash screen
  • login and registration screen
  • Partner will see the status of their account if admin reject his account then he will get the message like your account rejected, if admin approved then he will get message like your account approved.
  • After account approved he will see the nearest order to him.(If you want to test the parner app then use this details
    Mobile number: 1234567890
    Password: Loop098@@)
  • Once partner select the order for delivery then he will see the order details
  • Once partner reaches to the home of the user then he need to scan the Qr code from users app fro that particular order only then the users status will mark as delivered.and the QR Code has secured details)
  • He can see the profile of him, in this he can see the details like how much he earn and like that.


  1. Switch User App

Switch Admin App

3. Partner App:

Demo Apks

Download the APP

Download from aiastoreshop

Things Will Get After Purchase:
Main App + Admin App + Partner App + Guide Videos

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Professional Aia Store app

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New Update For Switch E-commerce App:

  • Dynamic Component string error
  • Otp Not sending issue resolved
  • lagging issue resolved
  • realtime order fetching in Partner/Deliver boy app
  • App Crashing
  • Main app, Admin app, Partner/Delivery App minor bugs improved

Demo Apk:

Those who already purchase, check your email we have been sent the email.

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It was great to work with you
Perfect app

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Thanks @Eman_Ali

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How much do you sell me the aia? I need to put it in my app (order complete, order pending…)


this thing is already their,

1 Like

I dm you please check that

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How much for this aia files and demo apk not working

Hello, Thanks for your message. This app have been cretaed on mysql and here the domain i use fo this project is redirected to another domain thats why server down issue is getting. rest app is working but still i am working on solveing this.

hello now you can test the apk its working.