Unfortunately, Makroid has stopped Is QR Makeroid Companion Scanner bad?

Hello Makers Community I need your help please.

I have downloaded the Makeroid Companion live tester and I am trying to test a companion but I get the bug response alart like this that !
See this Video

Kindly I neet the help.

Does it happen when you install your project’s .apk file too?

No Conor! it doesn’t happen.

when I install it it just work perfectly without any error but I don’t know can’t test it live.

What components are you using?

I am usning the new feature of View Pager

With MaterialIcons-Regular
. Vertical Arrangement
. Horizontal Arrangement
. Also Sidebar Extension

Is there any problem with any component?

Hello Yusufcihan, DO you have any idea why Makeroid can’t go live?

Because I realised even MaterialIcons-Regular doesn’t seem to change into buttons.

Maybe, yes.

I used the sidebar component (built-in, not extension) before. Then Makeroid stopped in the live test.

  • Remove SideBar extension and use Makeroid’s built-in sidebar component.
  • If this does not solve the problem, then don’t use the sidebar for now.

Ok yusufcihan
I think this maybe the reason but to remove the sidebar it will collaps some blocks and I need my app to be more professional with sidebar and if not I then don’t see the benefit of using live test if the Makeroid Community can’t solve this and I then wonder why Makeroid Buterfly can’t fix the bugs on this live testing.

If you do not want to remove the sidebar, then just test the app by downloading the APK.
Sorry, that’s all I know about this problem.



it works better when I download it