Using Lottie Animation

Hi, I am using Lottie Animation on apps from . The animation I am using is No internet connection on Lottiefiles. Free Lottie, Bodymovin Animation

Should I give attribution to the creator? If yes, then where and how should I place the attribution on app?

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create a buttonn or link named it credits .

and simply give him credit

Where to place that credit? On Error Page , where the animation has been used or on the screen that is normally visible to users?

@Mika Hi Sir, please say something. It matters a lot to me. I am working hard to complete this project.

You already have the answer above

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you can create a sidemenu bar in that you can create “Credits” category and place all the credits there properly

@Deepanshu_Arya That’s a good idea! Thanks for sharing!

Mastern Tip: Dont forget to mention Kodular there!:wink:

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