Video Conferencing App With Kodular

AlapOn- Free & Secure Video Conferencing

This app is based on the open-source Jitsi server. There are several features in the app for video conference. The app is free & can be accessed through mobile & computer/laptop both through the web version.

Find The App In Google Play Store :

Here are the links to the web editions: &


Congratulations for your app :partying_face:

It’s better to add it here :wink:Anyway, it’s up to you!

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Thanks for congratulating me! I am trying to add them.

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Great job
Congratulations :confetti_ball::tada:
It would be great if u add which video call services are u using in your app :blush:

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Can you provide a .aia file?

I am using Jitsi Server open source

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Nice App :ok_hand:

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Never knew it was possible with Kodular
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U are welcome

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I don’t think so

Please can you provide The AIA File for free


Sorry. I can"t. I am telling how to make it,

  1. Use a webviewer with webcam and microphone access

  2. Use activity starter to start meeting in web browser (thats what I did)

  3. Link + meeting room ID (chosen by user.) with join text block

  4. The app is completely web based.

  5. For Web Version (PC/LAPTOP) Use HTML iFrame with embed jitsi site.

Hope it helps. Feel free to contact me for any problem.


This is made with activity starter not web viewer
With android.intent.action.VIEW



I mentioned that in point number 2

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@Nisarga Nice app!!!
Never thought of making this kind of app​:thinking::thinking:

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He is just using activity starter which redirects to the Jitsi meet website

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Look, I have proper proof that redirecting to the Jitsi site is not a problem.