View flipper images from airtable for $2

not yet touch the blocks, coz i done my best so i dont know any our method, my blocks is exactly same as @TechStudy

We can’t keep guessing and It’s pointless in trying to help you with a lack of information

Either you show us all your blocks or you solve this yourself by using do it or disabling block by block until you identify which block is causing the error



Are you ready to pay me $2 ?
No I don’t need that.:innocent:

Here is a working apk. Slide_airtable.apk (4.1 MB)
Check if it is working or not.

sure, i give u $2, pm me bro.

@consoleheretohelp has confirmed that it is working so here is aia file and blocks.


My blocks also looks like this but he said the blocks did not worked

My poorly drawn picture showed the same thing

Probably he did not try things properly which we provided him with :rage::boom::hole:



Yes you are right

Is it possible when clicking on an image open a link for example? Would it also be possible if the link was in airtable?:thinking:

Is this related to the question of the topic? If not first search the forum and if it is not there then open another topic.

I think so.
View flipper images from airtable.
A yes or no was enough.:wink:

I think it is possible. Please create a new post first then we can help you more

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