Wallpaper app fail to load on from airtable

Please I don’t need negative answer, at I create wallpaper with airtable and it load image fine , then I add admob banner and more image URL, then app fail to load image …I need urgent answer please…


You first need to provide details , show blocks, and airtable (as i think you have empty cell or row in airtable)

Check url is correct in airtable and also check what data you get from airtable print that data in label.

Which type eror was showing??

Its show no error…its just loading …it won’t show image

Try loading the ads after you have successfully created your list of wallpapers… maybe loading ads delaying on getting data from airtable?

Why not you sharing any screenshots

AiA block is many…I will share AIA and my airtable…

WallpaperX.aia (1.5 MB) please help check my error…what I notice is that at first image is loading fine when I have five image link in my category I airtable, but when I add more image link…it malfunction

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Posting a blurry photo is of no use. Why not post a screenshot made by your computer?

that’s my block