Where to put Circular Progress

Hi everyone, help me again, please
I’ve tried everything I know.
Everything works the way I want it for me.
Upload and import a CSV file. But I’d like to put it there
It takes about 5 seconds after recording the scv file.
It would be good if it showed me that the data is being uploaded
it would be like, there would be a cherry on the cake
But I tried to make it either visible or invisible during recording.
Maybe it’s a procedures I just don’t know why.
Procedures will start as I want and will end.
Here’s how I did it
Figure 1.
start - call IndexPlus
then call AddItem
picture 2.
if the data is in TinyDB
call IndexPlus - add + index
until he reaches the record and sets to index 1
Figure 2 below
compares and if index 1 is in TinyDB calls the procedure
call lebel - show Notifeer1
but where to put Circular_Progress

Thanks to everyone who shows me where I’m making a mistake
But just don’t write to me that I should study
Mit app invertor, reading forum and YouTube,
I’m an electrician, not a programmer, but I like learning new things.

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You can set those button to invisible, set textboxes to disabled. Then show the circular progress at the position of those button. (Align center of the screen)

Alternatively, you can use spinning notifier provided in the notifier component (if you don’t have the icon the title will be gone, sonif you don’t have icon, attach empty string in both title and icon)

Then when everything finished, use dismiss spinning notifier.

Thank you for your willingness @WatermelonIce
I’ve tried it before and it didn’t work I also had a problem

The recording starts spinning progress - will not be displayed during data upload
when the recording ends spinning progress is displayed
the “call lebel” procedure does not end it
I have to click on the screen then close spinning progress - because I gave cacelable - true
Then shows the block “masage dialog”

can I see where you put the procedure label?

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Use clock to activate the dismiss spinner notifier. Set timer to 500 - 1000 ms.

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Thank you for asking, @WatermelonIce they marked the procedure in the wrong place
I had to think
I had to make a timer
First I find out the csv file of the record
in a global variable it remains static
then I start uploading the CSV file
comparing the csv record with the global index
if both are the same, Circular_Progress is vasible falsetimer

Maybe it can be done differently, but this works too

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If your problem is solved, please mark the post that solves the problem a solution tick.

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