We’ve seen this past few days a great deal of topics being opened to complain about something that ‘was not working properly’ and through the lines we could see many angry Kodular users demanding, comparing, blaming, being rude, etc. This was something that really upset me. However, I want to praise those who are not among those mentioned because they are aware of how big this project is and keep in mind that money is not everything and know that the pleasure of creating apps with amazing features is worth waiting patiently. Thank Kodular staff for everything, and congratulations for this outstanding work you all have been doing.
Unfortunately there will always be people like this, no matter how good Kodular or any other service is.
I guess I can’t deal with this kind of people because I would give them 7-30 days of suspension to make them learn that no one is their servant. I have seen quite a few topics where I could help but I don’t answer just because of the rude way they talk.
Even if they were right they should be more respectful and patient. But no, some people just drag a few blocks, not even test it a second time and come to the forum as they were talking with their slaves.