1. Introduction
Extension name: CountryInfo
It is an extension that can be used to get some information about any country. It works offline.
Latest Version: 1
Released: 2020-07-05T17:35:00Z
Last Updated: 2020-07-05T17:35:00Z
2. Blocks
3. Documentation
There’s only one event currently.
- GotInfo
Event raised after ‘GetInfo’ method with all the info about the country with provided dialing code (country code)
name ~ text (Name of the country)
capital ~ text (Capital of the country)
alpha2 ~ text (Alpha-2 code of the country)
alpha3 ~ text (Alpha-3 code of the country)
currencyCode ~ text (Currency code of the country)
currencyName ~ text (Currency name of the country)
There’s also only one method currently.
- GetInfo
Gets the information of the given country code
countryCode ~ text (e.g. +1 for US)
Returns the info in ‘GotInfo’ event.
- Name
Returns the name of the country
- Capital
Returns the capital of the country
- Alpha2
Returns the alpha-2 code of the country
- Alpha3
Returns the alpha-3 code of the country
- CurrencyCode
Returns the currency code of the country
- CurrencyName
Returns the currency name of the country
NOTE: Properties will return value after calling ‘GetInfo’ method.
AIX File
Link 1: com.fahad.CountryInfo.aix (41.7 KB)
Link 2: com.fahad.CountryInfo.aix - Google Drive
AIA File
Link 1: CountryInfo.aia (415.0 KB)
APK File (Demo)
Link 1: CountryInfo.apk (5.3 MB)
5. Credits
I would like to say thank you to @vknow360 for a lot of time and guidance.
Thanks to Kodular team for such a great platform.
Data collected from https://www.nationsonline.org/ (mostly) and Google.
6. Note
Due to huge amount of data, there may be something missing or if you found any wrong information, please let me know.
Thank you!