Is there any extension that gives Dial code from country name ? If yes please share the .aix file.
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I don’t know if there is an extension for this. But you can make a file with all Countries and their Dial Code (it is not very long 193 countries)
You can use deephost extension for that
Hello @Sonam_Gupta as you are new here
Here in Community discussion related to Deephost are not allowed, as he dosen’t support for his extensions.
You can use then but no discussion
Ook maayur can u give me the link where all rules are written , i am very tensed about what i write here and what not.
If i write something wrong than i got suspend that’s why i didn’t write much in community
Maybe this is what you are looking for:
It is community’s decision to not support his extensions so there is no written rule for this.
No, you will never get suspended for anything, mod will warn you before any direct action.
Btw, there no written maybe rule but as he dosen’t support their we suggest not to discuss about his Extension.
If you want to advise someone to use extensions by Deephost that’s ok, but our standard response is that we advise against using his extensions because he simply doesn’t support them. He is not visible on this community at all and we see a lot of users which have problems when using them but are unable to contact him.
So that’s why we don’t allow questions about Deephost extensions. But just suggesting someone to use a Deephost extension is ok. If i had read your post i would have posted the above.
But not get to far off-topic here and stop this discussion for now.
2 posts were split to a new topic: How to get some extras as a user of the community
A post was merged into an existing topic: How to get some extras as a user of the community
I close this topic since a lot of users like to go off-topic.