You can use this extension to work with colors like Blending, Merging, Darkening and Lightening colors
Idea came when I was stuck making the color darker and lighter
Difference between Blending and Merging.
Blending usually places a color over other with transparency. While Merging creates whole new color by Mixing them. Like people do with real paints. You can use Kodular’s inbuilt ColorUtilities to specify the amount (alpha).
Merging Red and Yellow generates Skin tone color and Blending them makes Orange color. See Methods for image.
Here amount parameter must be a valid double
. E.g 0.2 for 20%. You can use between 0.1 and 1.0 for amount.
Use this if you want to blend foreground color with the background with amount. Amount is the opacity of the foreground color.
E.g If you set foreground as red and background as blue with amount of 0.2. Red will be 20% visible above blue.
foreground ~ color (int)
background ~ color (int)
amount ~ number ( double )
Use this if you want to merge 2 colors respectively to create new colors. Using Alpha will make the ability to set how much you want to mix them.
You can use inbuilt ColorUtils to set alpha for colors.
color1 ~ color (int)
color2 ~ color (int)
Use this block if you want to darken the given color. You can specify the amount of darkness to add.
color ~ color (int)
amount ~ number (double)
Use this block if you want to lighten the given color. You can specify the amount of lightness to add.
color ~ color (int)
amount ~ number (double)
Aix : com.jaxparrow.colortools.aix (6.3 KB)
I will add a sample aia and apk later