Hello everyone, I’m Brazilian so I’m using the Google translator to ask for your help, recently I created a splash screen at the end of my project and I would like it to appear before the login screen, I don’t know much about programming so please help here is the print of the blocks
Hi welcome to community,
You found Splash Screen on Screen 1, Right panel ( Screen 1 Properties ) slide down, tab Advanced properties and you found the option to set Splash Screen.
I hope this help you.
Greetings from Argentina.
Thank you very much, the problem is that in my spalsh there is more than just an image, so I wanted to play Screen1 (login) for splash (Screen4) and then go back to screen1 for the person to login
And the background part how do I do it? splash has a background that is different from the login screen, if it stays on the same screen, how can I change it?
You can changhe the background of splash screen uploading a image with 96 x 96 pixel with the color you need to be the background color of splash screen
And how to change the backgroud in the blocks? I made a different vertical arrangement on the same screen and how do I change the backgroud on the blocks?