Thanks for your answer, but what I don’t know how to do is download the following 5 records (for example) using API Method. That is, set offset to 5 using API method.
I can’t explain it properly. When I download the tables from Airtable, I can only download 100 rows. (pagesize=100), and what I need is to know how I download the next 100 rows.
Now i understand you… nd you have to use loop using procedure .
When web got text first try to get the key value of offset, if it shows value then print the result in an variable again call the web url just by adding the above said keyvalue… so it will continue untill it gets keyvalue
See how I retrieved my 150 amount of data in two steps using offset method
By this way you can use filter or sort or get all data from airtable using Offset function (100 by 100) but remember you should use add items to the list for every colu… then only you will get proper result. If your row values exceeds more than 500 then you use/start any notifier when the first web url getting triggered.
When web got text i have used a one if then condition where you must add else condition there you dismiss block of notifier . Since I am getting only 150 items before the notifier getting triggered app will show the data’s so I skipped it
In this formula i have used sorting of every field by ascending method
Sorry for not having answered before with my experience with your blocks. It has been impossible for me to do it now. But when I do, I’ll post it. I will use in the next update of my app.
On button click web url calls the api first. In the url end i have add & offset= it won’t affect… when web url got text, first the obtained response content were parse the json and add the items into required global variable and checks whether the obtained json contain the key value of offset or not. If it there then again web url called and at the end the key value of offset is added so that next 100 items were download. This loop continued till the value of the key offset is empty string…
Actually the obtained result will have the offset key value only if the result is more than 100 items else it will not have
So the loop(calling the web url with offset key) will run only if the offset key value is not null else loop will break. So if you set any spinning block to run then set it to dismiss only in the else condition of the logic added into web got text. That’s all you need to do
Yes it is your choice. You can retrieve number of records less than 100 at a time also you can get by sorting method, alphabetically asc or dec order too using api method .