How to make these systems in kodular app

Hello coders i’ve been app on kodular something like facebook or youtube only trying

I want to ask that any user when upload video on kodular app when that video again seem how user can edit and not make user to edit other user videos and how can i make page for users where all video they upload will get there

I dont wont to use tinydb because when user login into my app again from another mobile he could edit that video

I want to use airtable if firebase suggestions you have then please you can suggest me


Note: i’ve been search on community first i can’t solve my problem so i created this new topic.

Dont tag users to get attention. This is not allowed.

Sorry i dont know

Well, this isn’t a problem. You’re asking for help for making your app, why don’t you try by yourself first? :sparkles: :wink: This is how you’ll learn, because you won’t find everything in the community, so you have to try everything to get experience. If you’re beginner, such kind of apps need lots of time and experience and intelligence and logic and creativity which obviously will make it hard to do. As beginner for your first step try making some easy apps, then get deeper into Kodular and learn more about other components and different extensions. Before you make your app while imagining it in your mind think about the hardest problems you might face, and you have to find a solution for them in your mind too, just in case you want to check use Kodular. Everything you want to do must be very clear in your mind before starting your work, that will make it much easier. Use VideoEditor Extension to edit videos, and for database there’s many solutions such as Airtable, MySQL, Google Spreadsheets… Firebase isn’t the best solution if you want something professional. You’ll extremely need Dynamic Components Extension for showing videos on the home screen, search listview, litteraly everything. Maybe you’ll like to use Notification Style Extension for notifications and if you want to run your app in background there’s BackgroundTasks Extension and Floating View Extension is very good if you want to implement PiP (Picture in Picture) feature in your app. You can also make your design look better with Relative View Extension and with some guides in the community and some creativity! :innocent: And finally, i think the best video player you can use is Plyr Video Player Extension since it has many features and a very cool UI which you can customize.
I gave you almost everything you’ll need to begin your app, try by yourself, and whenever you’re stuck or you need help post here and everyone will help you as much as we can! :grin: Which you luck and good starting in your project :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Mark as solution if it helps :laughing: :blush: