How to send "Notifications" using "Push Notification Component"

I am unable to redirect user to screen2 according to your method.

This is not possible. Explanation: Open a certain screen by an external link

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i’ve followed all the steps (there is some changes but it’s easy to find alternative new options) and i successful doing it in less than 1Hour thank you so much

I face some problems. When I had one screen on my app push notifications work perfect. Now I have 4 screens in my app and I can’t receive push notifications. Also I can see my phone’s stamp on OneSignal but I can’t receive it why?
Thanks in advance.

Only works in screen 1 not other screen

How to save the notifications in a tiny database when the app is not running ?

The answer is within your question only…TinyDB

Use Tag Notification
Value to store -Creat an Empty List

When the notification is shown ,Call Valu to store block In the empty list

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Welcome @Nahir_Vila The official language of community is English and while posting link of videos make sure they are in English.

can i delete it? i have already used it.
deleting firebase will cause any issue?

I have tested the method and it only does work well if the app is in activate state or in background state.
The notification come always, but in not running state I had to open the app to view the notification.

It would be ideal if kodular solves this problem.

Can’t we use the Onesignal setting done once on multiple apps? I am noticing that after I used it for second app as - is (i.e. I did not do a fresh setup for it and just used from my previous app) , the notification for first app has stopped.


i did all this instruction, but i have strange problem. For example i did test od 10 phones and 3 receive notifications from one signal but rest no. What is can the problem ?

Of course, id one signal is wrote.


While creating a firebase. I also inserted the SHA-1 fingerprint of the app in which I want notifications while the registration for than android app. Can we do that?

Is there any way to exchange the Push notification ID with the app during the application’s operation?

How can i get notification text from app label.text?

how to push notification not view Push_Notifications1 Properties

Welcome to the community @md_kamal . Next time please use search :mag:

Go to Project Settings - Api Keys - OneSignal App ID

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I used the onesignal component in my app but the small icon is not coming…what to do??

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how push notification do work