HTML Text Extension [Free]

Write a short description

A non-visible component for set HTML text into Button , Label and other visible component.

Add a picture of all the blocks

component_method (21)

component_method (20)

component_method (19)

component_method (18)

component_method (17)

component_method (16)

component_method (15)

component_method (14)

component_method (13)

component_method (12)

component_method (11)

component_method (10)

component_method (9)

component_method (8)

component_method (7)

component_method (6)

component_method (5)

component_method (4)

component_method (3)

component_method (2)

component_method (1)


Write instructions to use your extension

First you need to call all methods which you want then call set text method where you want to set text.

Block of Code



Need Your Help
Your Feedback important for me, and please give me ideas for next project.

Download Extension

com.HTMLText.aix (16.7 KB)


Great work :nerd_face: :sunglasses:

Nice Extension. :wink:

Could this extension work for text underlining?

I’m looking for an underline extension for me notes app. Using HTML may be an option.

I think you are looking for strikethrough in html you can do this in label by setting label html
like this

<s>Hello World</s>

Hello World

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I did not make myself clear.

I speak Spanish, sorry if I am not understood: slight_smile:

I meant something like that

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write in english

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try this code for background color without " <“span style=“background-color: #ccffcc;”>your _text </span”>


Good idea for html

Is this open source??

No but if you want source code then contact me

Can we use Text align justify

If free then by which method, PM?

Bc the Source code is something else… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You can use the extension for free but it’s not Open-Source, that’s something else. He won’t give you the source code for free, just the extension.

image What have you not understood?


Plz clear what do u mean by bc… it is an abusive word in many asian countries… i think it is bcz of because

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We are going off-topic.

Only in Hindi. Do not assume many Asian counties have this word abusive.
And yes,

That’s means because.

Yeah You are absolutely right :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Sorry if it hurts u…