Listview like Facebook

I’ve been working for an hour with @Souvik_Bera’s Custom list View extension and i was able to create a dynamic listview which is little bit similar to facebook, and here is how it looks.

And here is the blocks

i’ll try to imrpove more.

You can use my .aia for learning/editing and for the extension, as developer said you can use it for free during live test there is no need to worry about copyright thing and you won’t be able to export and use it without buying.

CustomListView.aia (861.3 KB)


Tnx to you for Sharing.

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Update: added comment and share buttons :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Its looking more good than before…

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Can you share a video af app means screen recording of how it works

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you can live test it to see how it works and sure i’ll add a demo video soon :slight_smile: also a lot more updates coming.


Update #2: added option menu on top right corner.

now it is more likely stable so future updates may come a bit later… have fun exploring with it.


What is the use of animation1 extension…

it is used to create pre-loading animation

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But i cant see it in companion or you have not used it i think so because i didnt find any block related to it.

give an test app.

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There’s some responsive issues rn, i’ll include a test apk as soon as fixed. thank you for your intrest.


can we add videos to it?? I mean if photos are available it should show them
If videos are available at some positions it show them
If photos and videos both are not available then it should show the simply written text post just like fb?

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Yes, on my app (created using this)Manipur Go - Read news and Track events (beta) it is able to show text only,image only, and text with image. However you can just add videos and show the thumbnail than play it when user clicked on it.


What about aia file??

You just add a if than condition to check there is image or not than show accordingly.

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Aia file???

I have already included an aia for this project at top?

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Okey… Thanks… :heart:

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There’s some responsive issues like text being trimmed so you just change the height weight accordingly. I’m working on a fixed version and might post soon.