[Paid] Admob Ads With Mediation : SDK - 23.0.0 🔥

[Paid] AdmobAds Extension : Boost your revenue with mediation

  • Admob lightweight ads extension for you to monetize your apps with many types of ads. It’s also support dynamic views for native ad. It’s uses is very easy. Just put your ad unit ids to show your real ads, also you can show test ads. Simple, easy and very lightweight extension.
  • This extension doesn’t take any commission from you.
  • Enabled fast SDK initialization & fast ad loading features to improve the overall responsiveness of ads.
  • Mediation supported with other ad networks.

:v: Multi Component Extension

Very simple, just import one aix then you’ll get 9+ components into one aix.


:eight_spoked_asterisk: Admob Sdk ↓


  • Initialize: Call this method as early as possible after the app launches to reduce latency on the session’s first ad request. If this method is not called, the first ad request automatically initializes the Google Mobile Ads SDK.


  • Ad inspector: Ad inspector is an in-app overlay that enables authorized devices to perform real-time analysis of test ad requests directly within a mobile app.


  • QueryInfo: Gets query info that can be used as input in an ad request.

  • OpenDebugMenu: Opens the debug menu. Initialize method must be called prior to this function.


  • RegisterWebView: Registers a WebView with the Google Mobile Ads SDK to improve in-app ad monetization of ads within this WebView.


:eight_spoked_asterisk: Consent Form ↓

Later this year, Google will require all publishers serving ads in the EEA and the UK to use a Google-certified consent management platform (CMP). To meet that requirement, you can use any Google-certified CMP, including Google’s consent management solution. If you want to use Google’s consent management solution, the first thing you need to do is create a GDPR-compliant message and implement the UMP SDK.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Admob App Open Ad ↓

App open ads are served when a user opens or switches back to your app. Why use app open ads? App open ads are specially designed to seamlessly integrate into the app open or app switch context. The unique app open ad layout offers the best user experience for this placement.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Admob Banner Ad ↓

Banner ad units display rectangular ads that occupy a portion of an app’s layout. They stay on screen while users are interacting with the app, either anchored at the top or bottom of the screen or inline with content as the user scrolls. Banner ads can refresh automatically after a certain period of time.

  • Fifteen plus (15+) sizes of banner ads available and also you can make custom size banner ads.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Admob Interstitial Ad ↓

Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that appear in the form of interstitial video, text, rich media, or images. Users can choose to close an interstitial ad after a certain watching period. The length varies from one ad network to another.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Admob Native Ad ↓

Native ads allow you to customize the look and feel of the ads that appear in your app. You design the ads from the ground up: how they look, where they’re placed, and how they work within your existing app design.

  • You can design the NativeAdView using DynamicComponents.
    Here is a sample of JSON Schema file ↓
    NativeAdView.json (7.6 KB)

  • You might upload the (.json) schema file into asset to use it as schema template or you can also use JSON schema as string. Then you need to register MediaView, RootView and populate all views using tag of every child views.

Demo blocks

See demo blocks for provided JSON schema.

Here is some output.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Admob Rewarded Ad ↓

AdMob rewarded ad units allow you to reward users with in-app items for interacting with video ads, playable ads, and surveys. Get inspired. Learn how an AdMob user boosted their revenue with rewarded ads.

:eight_spoked_asterisk: Admob Rewarded Interstitial Ad ↓

Rewarded interstitial is a new type of incentivized ad format that allows you to offer rewards, such as coins or extra lives, for ads that appear automatically during natural app transitions. Unlike rewarded ads, users aren’t required to opt-in to view a rewarded interstitial.

:tv: Implementation Guide Video ↓

➤ Release Notes ↷

23.0.0: ⚠️ This release is a MAJOR version update with several breaking changes.
Breaking changes:
  • Increased the minimum Android API level to 21.
  • Removed the deprecated SameAppKey API and updated the alternative method PublisherFirstPartyId to return a boolean about whether the control persistence is successful or not.
  • Removed AdFormat.Unknown with no replacement. Apps using QueryInfo must pass an ad format.
  • Updated User Messaging Platform SDK dependency to version 2.2.0.

    22.6.0: Deprecated SameAppKey and renamed the method to PublisherFirstPartyId.

  • Deprecated AdStyle.Unknown helper blocks.

    22.5.0: Updated User Messaging Platform SDK dependency to version 2.1.0.

  • Added the PublisherPrivacyPersonalizationState method.

    :github: GitHub Repository ↓

    :memo: Extension specifications:

    :floppy_disk: Size: 1.37 MB
    :android: SDK Version: 23.0.0
    :earth_americas: Released On: 24 June 2021 (GMT+06:00)
    :earth_americas: Updated On: 31 March 2024 (GMT+06:00)
    :baby_symbol: GitHub Repository: AdmobAds
    :android: Demo Apk: AdmobAds.apk
    :smiley: Meet happy users: See post #3
    :credit_card: Payment methods: Direct Download | PayPal | Skrill | TransferWise (Wise) | Xoom | Airtm | Binance | Crypto | Pyypl | Payment by Card (:credit_card:) | UPI (:india:) | JazzCash (:pakistan:) | Bkash (:bangladesh:)

    • If you’re facing any issues, please submit your issues here → Submit Issues


    I’ve been away for some time and probably there’s something I don’t know about these ads extensions. But my question is, How do we know that you or anyone making monetization extensions are not inserting their own ad ids, for example every 2 or 3 ad impressions?
    I’m not saying that anyone is doing it. Just asking if there’s any way to check for that.


    :smiley: Meet Happy Users

    @Mr_YouTuber_Official @bidder_boons @Riad_Developer @Pro_member @Javier_Sanz @ATUL_KUMAR1 @Gaston @Yash_Agarwal @EzyAyan @FHC_Duran_Sanchez @Octocore @NAWAZ_ALI @Neo_Procodex @M4RK_C0D3R @firojmultane4567 @sovannarith @drpeterramsis2007


    Why isn’t this just built into Kodular?! It used to be…

    1 Like

    Hi, it can be possible for other networks but not for admob, Since admob allows apps with only a specific app id in manifest to display ads. (You cant put 2 app ids in manifest too…)

  • Added Consent Form Functions

    great to see you using the new helper blocks successfully… :partying_face:

    can you please tell us something about the price?
    as I have seen, you also removed the price from the App Inventor thread…



    5 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Paid] AdManager Ads Extension : SDK V22.6.0 :fire:

    SDK updated to 21.2.0, I’ve already sent the latest extension to my paid users. Knock me if I forgot you!



    Not yet released by admob and your extension uses sdk 21.2.0 ?

    Did you checked this link? Recently Admob update their SDK to 21.2.0

    1 Like

    Oh, maybe maven repo will take a bit time to index it

    Thanks btw…

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    i bought this but this extension doesn’t work.
    wasted my money


    ??? do we need to edit the manifest file manually??

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    You can take help from me or you can setup your app manually

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    can we test the ads without publishing the app or editing the manifest file of the app

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    You can show real ad without publishing to store by setup your device id in your Admob dashboard.

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    2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Paid] AdManager Ads Extension : SDK V22.6.0 :fire:

    please don’t buy this extension i bought this but this extension doesn’t work.
    wasted my money.
    i request to developer Please refund my amount.


    Can you show your blocks please? I’ll help you to setup blocks. If more help needed then you can join me with Anydesk.

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