One of my App that was live on Google Play got suddenly Suspended and google mail that I got gives reason as Malware , Check Below
Any Idea??
One of my App that was live on Google Play got suddenly Suspended and google mail that I got gives reason as Malware , Check Below
Any Idea??
Do you use apk as publishing format?
Yes, I upload via apk
show the list of extension you have used @ShoaibKashmiri
Do you make any changes in apk? any reason for choosing apk as publishing format?
no check your import extension then post a screenshot
Just updated my screenshots , check them , And I have no imported extensions
this list pls
what is the use of your app and how it works on android devices ?
It is an cryptocurrency news app, and shows the price of the cryptocurrency assets, and technical analysis.
did you read the malware policy?
which permissions are there in your manifest?
you can find it out like this
did you create a privacy policy?