1: The scroll function of the arrage that I put in the screen block “side menu” does not work.
2: Is the width of the side menu modified or expanded?
Is that the scroll arrangement that I put as “side menu” has a width of 65% and does not show me that width when I try to see the side menu in the companion or the apk.
Drag vertical arrangement and make it as side menu. Put a vertical scroll arrangement in vertical arrangement and design your side menu in vertical scroll arrangement.
Do you want to set your sidebar to exact 65% ? I don’t understand what you are trying. Can you upload an image of what you are getting and what you are trying to do?
You set an arrangement as side menu. So set that arrangement’s width to fill parent. You can’t expand side menu’s width rather manage the items you want to show inside sidemenu.
So, to do that make side menu arrangement width to fill parent and set inside items width also fill parent. That’s how you can make side menu without any items being cut on sidemenu edge.