Source Code Viewer App

Name of the app: Sathi Source Code

Do you want to read the source code of your favourite website or do you want to test your HTML code ?

With Sathi Source Code, you get the ability to view source code of any website and test your HTML code.


App Store/Download link:

Aia file


Why don’t you publish your app to Play Store instead of Amazon?

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My age is 14 years so I have not credit card. This is why i can’t create google play developer account.

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Ah. I understand!

Not to fuss, but that could be done by simply joining view-source:// before the https:// part of the link…


The app will available for free within 24 hours, you can download and test the app. I will add more fetures in upcoming version.

This app is now available for free.

Please improve UI. And please try to avoid using those oval shaped buttons. Everything else is lit.

Yes. I think thats true. It is a great app, but it would be more great if UI is improved. Here are a few suggestions for UI:

  1. Your button is oval shaped. This is not very great to see. Set shape to ‘Rounded’ if you are using Button component. Also my personal suggestion: Use CardView button instead of Button. It is more customizable.

  2. Decide your app’s theme. Some screens are Light theme, and some screens are Dark theme. This is not very good theme.

  3. Setting theme font would be great too. Use more nice font such as Montserrat which is my favorite.

And also: Can you share aia file? I think posting aia file would be great if you are OK.


I have posted the aia file of new version but i have not posted it on app store. If you have any other suggestion, please reply.

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i can publish your app. You can contract me.

You cannot publish same of my app. If want to publish this app edit the app theme as your own and publish.

I will publish your app with your copyright not my.

No need. Use the AIA for your personal use adn do not publish on store fully same of my app.

Oke thank you. I think you already publish your app.