Trying to call first function


I am trying to call “Spreadsheet” first but “for loop” is getting called first.

What will be the problem?

see, as per your blocks, you are trying to call the last row value and you will get the last row number in the notifier alert… What you wanna do?

blocks (1)

My expected output should be

But I am getting output as

try like this,



Update - try this


Why you are getting the cell specifically? Airtable’s Get All Rows return the whole data of your table in response Content parameter. You can extract that cell from the response content with dictionary blocks then you can show it without fetching it.

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blocks (5)

blocks (4)

blocks (3)

I have attached all the blocks of my project. Here after entering for loop “Get Cell” is not called, after completing for loop “Get Cell” is called.

actually what you are looking for???, i hope you are making the work complex instead of simple one. Pls elaborate by showing your airtable… It is hard to understand by seeing your blocks…

I am sure your blocks wont show the required result i think…

I have attached the airtable link, here by checking “Status” the list should be created.

And in Status there are 3 different criteria, depending the user it should filter and list out.

it contains empty cell value, so what ever method you try it wont work


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I have filled the blanks but still the issue is same.

I dont know what you are looking for, but i have managed to get the result… just see to it…



  1. When the screen initializing the list should contain “SO” value of both pending status(i.e. NO, OC).
  2. If user wanted to filter out and see only the pending status(NO), then the list should be filtered and should show respective “SO” value and the same for pending status(OC).

Is my logic is understandable?

Then it is very simple…

Try to get values as given in the block… so you have to modify as per the list selection…

If get select = OC
Use from each number from to(length of the list get status) by (1)
If contains text select list item list (status) index (get number) = SO
Add items to the list (get list)
Item select list item list (SO) index get number

Sorry for the inconvenience, can you please show in blocks.

My doubt is I am calling “Get Cell” first in for loop, but why it is getting called at last?

you are storing value in global filter2 after getting cell value but you are calling here itself, let me show simple way to full fill your logic

If i select NO, it will gives me Status value whose SO row contains NO only
If i select other than NO, see in the blocks…


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