Unable to download app to phone when scan QR code

Hi people, I have a similar problem.
I am migrating from Appybuilder.
I have a sample app that works in test mode.
Then I Export/Generate QR code for app
On my Android phone I load Kodular Companion and click scan QR code.
When the QR code shows on the scree it is captured by the companion App and a browser screen loads with what seems to be the my App URL but, instead of loading my app the browser switches to some previously visited web page.
If I close the browser the companion shows again on the screen asking for scanning QR code.

Assistance welcome.

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Try closing all tabs in google chrome before scanning the qr code otherwise the download won’t start. Also similar package name may also cause the same issue. Finally check if Play Protect is on and Install Apps from unknown source is off in your phone’s settings.

Hi, I disabled play protect.
Install app from unknown sources seen to be App based.
It was enable for Chrome but not for Kodular but it was also not enable to Appybuilder’s companion and I have used Appybuilder with not such a problem.
In any case I enabled Kodular for allow install from this source but nothing changed.
Also Chrome always open on tab number 1.
No change, on reading qr code chrome opens with c.kodular.io/b/6zn8 but after less than a second navigates to whatever was the last visited chrome web page.
Any suggestion?

For me the problem is little different the connection is successful but after few minutes any changes will not appear in companion like the connection was cut. I need to connect again and again
 and sometimes it stuck at 20%

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This happens to me when I don’t close all tabs. Go to Chrome Tap the tab display button. This button is a number (reflecting the number of tabs you have open) inside of a square and is located in the upper right corner between the search bar and the menu button. Tap the ‘x’ icon in the upper right corner of a tab to close it. Alternately, you can open the Settings menu (vertical ellipses) after opening tab display and select “Close All Tabs” from the list.
Then close Chrome and scan again QR code from companion

No need to close any tab or so

at this point just click on the address field and you will see link

Hi @pctb2007 Welcome to Kodular Community
Nothing is wrong with you.
Just wait for few minutes and Chrome will prompt for a download.
BTW you can also copy link from Companion and open link manually.

OK, some progresses

Now I get the option to download.
I did it several times already but get a message when I chose open: Some error analyzing the package

It is a very simple test and runs in companion test mode.


Hi, loaded another test, similar to the one above:

It works on on the companion test but if I try to Export/Generate QR code I get this:

What might be wrong?
Thanks in advance.

QR codes expire in 2 hours after being generated
If you want a permanent link you have to download the APK and upload it to Google Drive or somewhere else, for exampel


Hi Diego, thanks for that.
But my problem takes place immediately after the QR code is generated.
During development I would like to use the direct export.

You need to be connected to your Kodular account on your phone.

Since when we needed to do this


Hi, I have done many things in my cellphone and eventually it works and I do not really know what solved the problem.
In any case download problem solved.
Thanks to everyone.