So as shown above I have simple button added in the screen (there is no any arrangement present, just a simple button on the screen)
The HTML property of the button is set to true and the text on it (the arrow) is set using the entity →
Now as seen in the above screenshot the text appears at the bottom. I want that it should be aligned in the center of button vertically.
But there is no such option, neither in the designer nor from blocks. Is there any way to achieve this? or am I missing something?
The same thing also occurs even when the HTML property is false and the text on the button is any normal text.The only difference is, with normal text it isn’t recognized very easily
There are no blocks to show as everything is set from designer itself and the details of the same are as below
Button height and width are set to 12% and 25% respectively.
Font size is 40.
Text alignment is center (horizontally).
Rest all is default.
I am attaching aia & apk for anyone interested to try it buttonBug.aia (1.1 KB)
I didn’t get you. Of which label you are talking about? As said in the original post there is only a simple button on a screen.
No label, no arrangement nothing.
I tried this earlier and was about to post this in the original topic itself. But I thought if I would get the solution for this button problem then the same thing will solved with label also
But it doesn’t work well in other device like @themaayur’s device.
So if I distribute this app in market, how can I be sure that it will appear same on all devices?
But thanks again for constantly trying to bring solution