Best Ad Network [Poll]

Which is the best Ad Network according to you in the basis of CPC and User Experience?

  • Admob
  • Amazon
  • AdColony
  • AppLovin
  • LeadBolt
  • StartApp
  • Facebook
  • Unity Ads

0 voters

Never use ads so don’t know…

AnyBody Use AdColony is it good? They are paying for viewing ads or install application any related Information.

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I didn’t use much. Impressions not counted

Follow this guide to find the most suitable ad network for your app


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As you said, you’ve changed app content, so the content might be the issue. I guess.

But playstore accept all those apps. I appealed but they not reply. Should I wait??

This image is from another thread created by you.

Here, facebook clearly mentioned that you’re violating their rules. So, in spite of waiting, I suggest you to fix those violation(s).

Did you see there is nothing mentioned… which policy i violated?? They told me that they have rights only. How i change and what i should change? Same category and same apps also approved by

Please return to your original topic and wait for a reply. You might have used copyrighted content on your app which you don’t have right to monetize. That’s all here! Again, please return to your original topic.

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I have a question, do you take Kodular proportions of money when adding ads or not

This question was answered many times. Kodular never charge you from your ad, they run own ads on your application to take the percentage.

This means that it does not take a percentage of the profits when placing ads on my application or what.
Unfortunately, I am not good in English

If you run ads on your app, Kodular too will run a few ads* on your app to take the commission.

*You can calculate commission percentage for your app using Kodular’s commission calculator app.

If I don’t run ads on my app will Kodular display some ads on my app to take charge.

Kodular is 100% free to use for apps that don’t show ads.

But from where the developer of the application will get the money if he does not add ads in the application

Well, what’s the problem if Kodular runs a few ads in order to keep this amazing service free of cost?

If you don’t use any ad components, we don’t show any ads in your app.

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