While try to send sms using texting component it shows this error
Try with activity starter
Activity starter is not working the same with texting component, what i need is to send message directly
it works Thank you so much for your support but it is apk how can i use this?
I might offer you this com.baasapps.BATexting.v3.aix (45.2 KB)
Version 3 fixes this as well FLAG_IMMUTABLE
Old version 2
com.baasapps.BATexting.v2.aix (44.8 KB)
Old version 1
com.baasapps.BATexting.aix (43.6 KB)
P.S. It’s a direct copy of MIT texting component with one extra addition.
Do you mean extension in previous post, if so then it’s only for texting…
Thanks Problem solved
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Hi @Boban,
could you please explain the issue “can only use lower 16 bits for request code” more in detail?
Is the Texting and PhoneCall component of Kodular not working anymore and in Kodular we have to use the updated Texting and PhoneCall component from MIT App Inventor as extension now?
And what is this “extra addition”?
This component is to take the user to another place for messaging, what if I want to continue sending text messages within the app? Because I tried the aix and found that he doesn’t send messages directly from the app, and when I send messages to the phone from another place, I can’t monitor the content of the messages
what is this com.baasapps.BAPhoneCall.aix even its not opening. its only an empty screen.
No I am very new here.
as we have seen meanwhile, you succeeded