Post an APK and a video recording of how to make app freeze.
I’m going to publish it, but how do I publish it here?
you know I did the same project with web viewer without any extension and it happens the same I am thinking that it is the kodula platform that is with problems
If you can post it here please post it on Google drive and make the link public
I can’t upload it because the extension is not authorized
This slow kodular even to upload a video is definitely the kodular platform because I tested on 5 cell phones and the same thing happens
I am trying to upload the recording for more than 20 minutes and it does not load
The extension that I am using also works for appinventor ???
Please Share the image of extension you are using so that we can check that is that one ok or not and if it is not we will provide you the new extension ok
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There is no error in the extension i use it regularly there might be some problem with your blocks.
Once again, I am asking, how app gets freezed?
what is the error ???
I know it has after pressing 5 buttons it does not load a channel for me that freezes I will try to send a video
I have a doubt see the imagine the extension goes with another extension it must be like this or not
I leave the link of the video, it won’t let me upload it here
Of course, it is not a problem with the m3u8 because those same I use them on another platform and they work well
I have another CustomWebView extension that doesn’t come with that extension called CustomWebViewHelper
You have a more updated one because there are blocks that do not come out in the other extension because example OnHideCustomWebView
I definitely do not know what could be that my application freezes and tested with different cell phones and emulators and the same thing happens I still do not see a help from the kodular community
Do you call that freezing?
I can see the progress bar still working fine.
You should check the URL.