[PAID] Onesignal Push - Implement OneSignal push notification in your apps

Onesignal Push

Hello everyone, This extension allows you to implement Onesignal in your app with the latest SDK v4.8.3. Onesignal is the most reliable and popular push notification platform for android and other devices. This extension allows you send push notification to the android devices with all onesignal latest features.

All Blocks



This event raises when user get subscribed to onesignal.


These events are for notification handling.


Events for handling external user id response.


This event raises when all tag fetched from onesignal.


Events for handling notification API repsonse.


Initialize the onesignal with given app id.


Blocks for getting subscription info of the user.


These blocks allow you to clear the notifications.


Blocks for working with user’s data tags.


Set the external user id of the current player/user. This is optional and usable feature from the onesignal. This block is not present in kodular so I decided to add it in the extension.


Ask the notification permission in android 13. If the device is not android 13 then nothing would happen. However, you can only ask the permission once if the user denied it then you can not ask the permission again. If this permission is not granted then your user will not receive notifications in android 13.

You can find more here about this permission :


Blocks for sending notification to different segments.


For setting the user email



You must have to initialize the onesignal before doing anything.


When the user will be subscribed this event will be raised…

Then you can send notification to yourself or anyone.

That’s all you have to do for setting up the Onesignal in your apps.


This extension works in all AI2 distros(Tested in AI2, Kodular and Niotron with android 12, 11, 10, 9, 7).



For India :- ₹699
Outside India :- 10$


Where to buy :

Latest Update [Most Stable]


Thanks @Shreyash for the super power full Rush .
Thanks @Lollipop and @ashishlambat5 for helping in beta testing the extension.

This extension may have many bugs, so test it as you can and report me every bug so I can fix it to make it more reliable for you.

Thanks you
Sumit​ :wink:

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A discount for the extension: Price is reduced to 500₹ or 11 USD.

I would like to draw everyone’s attention that this discount is only for 24 hours. So if anyone planning to buy please do it before 12 October 2022, 2 PM IST to avail of this discount.


Price is still high

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I’m from Bangladesh and 11$ is 1100+ TK here. How newbie developer can afford this price?

Also Google Play Payment methode disabled

Plenty of newbie developers can afford $11. Just because you can’t doesn’t mean all newbie developers are poor.

I am having some issue with google play payment that’s why I disabled it. Currently I only have Paypal for international payment. I can accept bank transfer, if you want any other payment method then please PM me I would ask my friends for that.


This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Congratulations Young for yet another excellent job. :clap:

A tip: the price of your work is up to you to decide the value…only you :+1:

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Onesignal Push v1.0.1

There is an update for the one signal push.

After updating the app with target SDK 31, the app was still crashing for those users who did not open the app after updating the APK, Extension needs to be initialized so it can enable the notifications in Android 12 and stop crashing. Since some of your users are not opening the app after the update and the extension have not been initialized, the app will be crashed every time whenever you send a notification in android 12. This update allows you to enable the notification in devices > android 11 in the background (if users have not opened the app after the update). The only thing you will be required to do is send a notification after pushing your app update with this version then the app will crash for the first time, but it will allow the extension to enable the notifications in the app’s background state.

Note : If you have sent notifications continuously to your app and the app frequently crashes by the Onesignal android 12 issue then your app would not be able to receive notifications even with this extension. Your app will be blocked by the device to start the notification service after frequent crashes by same reason. However, it will be enabled later after resetting the app widget or once the user opens your app.

Maybe there is a better solution to solve this but that’s what I have.

Download the updated version if you have already purchased it.
Deep Link for redirecting to AI2 Store : Click here
Edit : Google Play purchase has been enabled in AI2 Store.

Thank you
Sumit :wink:

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15$?! i wait for a kodular fix :sweat_smile:

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Sure… you will need patience then… a lot of patience…


Can I publish my app on the Play Store with this extension? The old one had an android:exported error


The solutions are already provided for that.

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Onesignal Push v1.1

This is a new update for the current onesignal push.



This event raises when the app is opened by clicking on the action button of the notification.


If you want to make your notification vibrate in vibrate mode then set vibrate. It will make always make sound if the device is in normal mode.

Note: Notification Opened and ActionButtonClicked events work for all android version.


Action buttons are supported now with this extension.
Note:- Group messages are not supported with this extension, you can only send a simple notification with large icons, big pictures, and action buttons. This extension does not give you all features of one signal notification.


A discount for the extension: Price is reduced to 500₹ or 11 USD.
Discount validity:

Starting time: 22 October 2022 at 10 AM IST
Ending time: 25 October 2022 at 10 AM IST

The price will be the same after the end time.


Download the updated version if you have already purchased it or you can purchase it from here.
Deep Link for redirecting to AI2 Store : Click here


  • Google Play purchase fee has been reduced to 16% from 30%.
  • Stripe payment gateway is available now.

Thank you
Sumit :wink:


I would like to know if this extension will definitely replace the old extension (Firebase cloud Messaging) and it is no longer necessary to use the native Push component

It depends on your requirement. For newly published apps, this extension is completely stable. If you are updating an old app, then you may face some crashes (for those users who don’t open the app after updating them for the first time).

You might want to read the description of the extension.

This extension is also a type of fix for the current native onesignal issue in devices > android 11. For devices below android 12, the native onesignal component is responsible for showing notifications.
Note: Your app will crash with this extension if you did not used the native onesignal component.

Quoting you from your earlier post:

You don’t need any onesignal fix for using FCM, it seems that you were using the older onesignal fix for FCM that is not required. You only need to drag the native push notification component for FCM nothing else.

ok, the problem is that with the new update from kodular to api31, this error happens when exporting aab. to play store (android: exported). In the community it is said that the onsignal component is causing this problem. Then delete the component and it worked. I wonder if I will have to change the manifest to work correctly?
android: exported = true

Upload your app to Google Play to find it out
And in case there still is an issue with android:exported, then you are using another extension which needs a SDK31 upgrade


That’s the whole point, because either PushNotification is causing the below error or the FCM . That’s why I asked (@iamwsumit ) if the extension FCM is updated for the same. Taking into account that the FCM extension needs the PushNotification component to work.

You uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle that has an activity, activity alias, service, or broadcast receiver with an intent filter, but without the “android:exported” property set. The file cannot be installed on Android 12 or newer. Go to: Behavior changes: Apps targeting Android 12  |  Android Developers